We succeeded in bringing to life partnership agreements with 3 beautiful charity organisations which support sustainability and/or social wellbeing in their own unique way:

  • Eyes for The World: Glasses for Underprivileged People
  • Elephant Haven: The First European Elephant Sanctuary
  • BOS+ : Planting Trees and Responsible Forest Management

Why we did this? We want the values which we stand for to leave an ever lasting legacy, even long after our customers have bought our products. We also want each and every one of you to feel personally involved and committed to our story. This is why we will donate an unprecedented 10% of our selling price to our partnership charity organisations. And the best thing is: it's up to you to choose the charity organisation which lays closest to your heart! You will need to choose the specific project you want to support upon the check-out of your product. After this, we will donate 10% of the purchase value of your product towards the project you have chosen to support.

Let us assure you, you are not paying more because of our donations. We do not calculate this into our price. Working together with our partnership charity organisations simply brings something which money can't buy: lots of happiness and positive energy!

Please see our Partnerships Page for more Details.

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